Two wheels, two women, two adventures….

I’m so excited to say that Tribe Porty, a local community social enterprise that I’m involved in is hosting a talk by Anna Hughes and Kate Rawles, two cycle writers as they reflect on their experiences of discovering new places, people … Continue reading

Yoga for people who like to ride bikes

By cycling you’re already keeping yourself moving, exercising the lungs and heart and most likely regularly feeling awesome which is not to be sniffed at. Repetitive movements in many everyday activities though, such as pedalling your beloved bicycle, can lead … Continue reading

Lessons from a Penny & a Rubber Band

This past February, I had the pleasure to take to the TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh stage to talk about Penny in Yo’ Pants and CycleHack. It was just released and while it makes me a little sick to my stomach to watch, you … Continue reading